I would hope 99% of us who have worked on this platform know and 
understand the benifits of SMP/E.  I personally would choose an
SMP/E install if I can over a non-SMP/E install but that may just
be my "old-timer" prejudice showing.  

Trying to keep an open mind... Excluding major components (OS, subsystems 
like CICS/DB2/IMS etc.), would it really be that bad if you just replaced
the run time libs when you needed to upgrade / put on maintenance? 
Since almost all shops have high speed internet access and vendors
have electronic downloads, think of all the time and DASD (even though
DASD is "cheap") you would save by not having to deal with an SMP/E
environment and distribution libs. 

I hate to say it -  but think win-doze, PFCSKs, zNextGen. Think of a
small shop with few support people. If we truly want to attract new 
comers to this platform (or at least keep the existing install base)
and make it easier and quicker to install and maintain software, 
this may be a fine alternative to SMP/E for many products. 

I think what is important is to know exactly what level of software 
you are running to help in problem determination and to know "where 
do I go from here" to upgrade.  If vendors distributed well defined
levels of their software in run-time only format, this isn't an issue.

A perfect example is Innovation's FDR. I have used it in virtually
every shops I've been at for 20+ years. I have never missed having an
SMP/E install nor have I had any issues / problems related to 
problem determination because I didn't know exactly what level of
software I was running. Oh..and guess what... FDR only takes a couple
of hours to install (if that). 

Some of the people on this list keep telling us to get over ourselves 
and we probably need to.  The IT world has changed a lot in the last 20
years but this platform really hasn't for the most part. Putting windows 
GUIs and web wizard front ends to everything doesn't cut it because the
underlying processes are still too complex and "old-timer" experience 
is still needed when there is a problem. 

My 2 cents...

Mark Zelden
Sr. Software and Systems Architect - z/OS Team Lead
Zurich North America / Farmers Insurance Group
z/OS and OS390 expert at http://searchDataCenter.com/ateExperts/
Mark's MVS Utilities: http://home.flash.net/~mzelden/mvsutil.html

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