On Tuesday, 11/14/2006 at 12:00 EST, "Thompson, Steve (SCI TW)" 
> Suppose that for every time one needs to open an ETR, and IBMLINK is
> down, that you were to call the 800 number and make your problem a SEV1.
> Now further suppose that all IBM customers were to do this.
> How long would it take before the "pain" would be felt high enough that
> this would get fixed - permanently?
> This is only an idea for discussion, not to actually implement (at least
> at this time).

As a discussion point, I'm not sure how reporting your Sev3, say, problem 
as Sev1 would do anything to get IBMLink up and running.  The developers 
who get out of bed to deal with your Sev1 have no control or awareness of 
IBMLink, and the Support Center will handle the calls as usual.

If you can open a PMR against IBMLink when it is down, do so (I have no 
idea if you can), or, if you think you are aren't getting sufficient value 
from the service because of downtime, then use the Feedback (when it 
finally comes back up). 

And no service is "permanently" fixed.  I suppose that, like RETAIN 
itself, the IBMLink infrastructure could be beefed up to provide more 
failover, but that would simply raise the cost (and price!) of the 

[And, of course, reporting here that IBMLink is down will do nothing to 
get it fixed, either, assuming they don't already know the service is 

Alan Altmark
z/VM Development
IBM Endicott

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