On Tuesday, 11/14/2006 at 01:34 EST, "Thompson, Steve (SCI TW)" 
> So, now you [personally] are in VM DEV. What would happen if such
> postings to IBM-MAIN (about IBMLINK not being functional) were sanitized
> and presented to your manager? Same for other IBMers that are lurking. I
> remember in the Branch days that there would have been a chat with some
> people about customer satisfaction and how every IBMer is a sales
> person.

Actually, mailing list postings are often used by me and other Interested 
IBMers to drive change, whether it's in the product, our processes, our 
perceptions, or our plans (the 4 P's?).  Sometimes the postings are used 
as "evidence" and other times simply as input.

In this case, another IBMer who follows the list also knows who manages 
IBMLink and has contacted said manager.  That said, as with requirements, 
you still need to use established processes to report problems with IBM 

You are not alone in the wilderness!  :-)

Alan Altmark
z/VM Development
IBM Endicott

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