In a message dated 11/21/2007 5:44:16 P.M. Central Standard Time,  
>Acquiring a lock does not turn on a super bit.  It turns on a  bit
in the locks held string.
Right.  I mis-remembered what I found by instruction stepping through  
GETMAIN many years ago, which was that a request for certain system subpools  
require the requester's being authorized caused three tests, the success  of 
any one of which would allow the request to be honored.  The tests were  (1) 
any super bit's being on, (2) any lock held bit's being on, and (3) the  CPU's 
system mask has I/O interrupts masked off (aka "physical  disablement").  I was 
building a front end to the I/O FLIH at the time and  wanted to get a piece 
of ECSA while disabled.  I discovered that having  interrupts disabled was not 
honored everywhere in the GETMAIN instruction path,  so I turned on a super 
bit and then got my storage OK.
>I would recommend against writing any code 
which turns super bits  on or off.
I did this because I saw it done in IBM's I/O FLIH (IIRC), so I knew I  could 
get away with it.  Maybe next time I'll remember to get a disabled  spin lock 
instead.  It's also not a good idea to build FLIH front ends, in  general, 
and unless your employer wants one built.
Bill  Fairchild
Franklin, TN

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