On Fri, 30 Nov 2007 08:43:38 -0600, McKown, John wrote:
>> It has also been mentioned a couple times in this thread that the
>> z/OS operator's 327x console is free of the half-duplex constraint:
>> the operator never needs to press ATTN before entering a command.
>> I'd be delighted to see an alternative implementation of OMVS that
>> bypasses TSO (or is VTAM the culprit?) and passes 327x data streams
>> more directly to the terminal.
>Can't be VTAM. Using SMCS, you can now run a true z/OS console on a VTAM
>3270 LU. Works identically to a DIDOCS 3270 console. We now use them for
>some Production Control people who are remote to the data center, but
>need to have a console around to see messages "real time". TN3270E to
>VTAM to SMCS for a console. Works well with all three of our TN3270
>terminal emulators (Hummingbird, BlueZone, and Rumba).
As an experiment, I composed the EXEC on VM/CMS:

    /* Rexx */
    signal on novalue
    address 'COMMAND'

    do forever
        say date() time()
        do while externals()>0
            parse pull Line
            say Line;  end
        'PIPE literal +10 | delay';  end

... then from an ISPF session, I "TSO TELNET VMCMS" in 3270 mode.
It mostly works; I can type ahead for 10 seconds, and the input
typed ahead comes out in the pull...say loop.  But it stutters;
some characters are repeated; it seems that I can type characters
after I press ENTER but before the cursor is placed at the left
end of the input area.  I wonder whether TELNET plays the same
invisible polling game as OMVS?  Now I must try it from a linemode
z/OS Unix session, if only to see how externals() behaves under Unix.

About SMCS being unavailable during IPL, haven't I seen some
discussion here of a remote HMC?  Would that suffice?  Or are
there operator commands that can't be issued at the HMC?

And more on your perplexity about my suggestion of "background
initiated foreground": I've seen some sentiment here that a
class of users prefer linemode for general Unix operations, but
OEDIT/OBROWSE in their specialty areas.  Wouldn't it be at least
convenient in a linemode z/OS Unix session to issue:

    DISPLAY=local.desktop export DISPLAY
    oedit some.file

... and have a new, genuine x3270 window running ISPF/PDF pop
up on one's desktop?  No need to enter user ID and password;
current working directory and environment inherited from the
Unix session; and if the user has issued a "su" command, OEDIT
would run with the new user ID, not that of the original TSO
session as is the present (mis-)behavior of OEDIT under OMVS.

-- gil

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