On Jan 4, 2008, at 7:42 PM, R.S. wrote:

Ed Gould wrote:
Because????? I can recall more than a few times that a sysprog has left the company (many reasons) and no one can tell you what level anything is at. All the vendors who send out object, source or load or whatever
there is no way to determine (easily) what level the product is at.

I can recall a situation that sysprog (bad one) has cloned several SMP/E environments and nobody knew (including him!) which one is the correct one. I met it at leas three times. In case of components installed from 'setup.exe' on PC *or* on mainframe side (I described such example: TSA), SMP/E delivery is simply pointless. The same effect can be achieved with naming a package 'setup_ver3.21.exe'.

And your point is? once you get into ifreqs or coreqs you *BETTER* have damn good checking internally and logic for handling different levels of PTF's (especially) when it comes to IOS. The IOS people do a good job updating all the modules in a PTF. Its been a few years but I don't recall of a PTF going PE because IOS forgot to update another module (ie forgot to include it in the original PTF). IOS record is not perfect but it is certainly better than say DFSMS (I don't want to say they are bad or anything just that just remember the VSAM super PTF tapes).

Caution: I still agree SMP/E is good method to check all the dependencies to other component levels. However:
1. It is good, because the only one.
2. When product does not have too much dependencies, it is simply irrelevant to use SMP/E or other method. In fact, many products are installed in completely separate CSI. In such case *no dependencies* are checked. But we still have "easy to use" and "very convenient" tool. I hope you feel the irony. <g> BTW: I vaguely remember one of ISVs said on the IBM-MAIN, that his product (zDebug AFAIR) does not need to check dependencies in SMP/ E, because all the dependencies which have to be checked are checked *during runtime*. That method is *much better* than SMP/E. It can be hard to implement and not always applicable, but it checks *reality*, not some entries in KSDS.

FDR does this as well and damn well better than any other MF product (IMO). It takes a *LOT* of knowledge to do so. This is NOT trivial to do (either). AS I said privately in another email IOS is *NOT* a place for the feint of heart to do stuff like this. IOS people have done a pretty good job in their PTF's (IMO) Most (all?) IOS is OCO and trying to reverse engineer code would not be pretty, IMO.

Problem resolution time goes almost straight up and the lost of productivity is substantial as all the time is spent trying to get your hands around what the problem is. That is one of the main benefits with SMPe , a look at one screen in the smp/e dialog manager and you can tell exactly what level any product that is installed with SMPe.
Exactly the same information can be obtained using other method. Lack of SMP/E does not mean there's absolutely nothing instead.
Well if you are talking about one or two modules *MAYBE* but when it starts getting to be more than 5 AND we are talking separate libraries it can (and does) get to be complicated. Especially if different levels go into different libraries. There is a module mapping facility put out by a vendor (whose name escapes me at the moment) that work well and you can tell at a glance what csects and IDR information is contained in the LMOD. But again when you get into more than one LMOD it can get semi complicated also if you are looking at a dump there has to be a PTF (APAR) identifier in the module so you can verify what is in memory is the one that you put in. Another side issue is how you handle fix distribution. If you send out complete replacement its less complicated (usually). If its piece meal then you get into issues of relinking by hand and believe me if a mistake is going to happen it will happen there *OR* if you send out zaps mistakes will happen easily. I can attest to that after hand coding zaps from SYNCSORT for 5+ years.

I have basically turned down any product that is not smp/e maintainable and installable.
I had to install products which are bought by the company. Nobody asked me if I like SMP/E. I cannot complain on installation method, colour of the box, fonts used, etc. Does the product fill business requirements - this is what I'm asked. Quality is one of the parameters, but lack of SMP/E does not necessarily mean poor quality.
Then you aren't talking to the right people and need to get that corrected asap. The boss should be at the forfront of getting involved before the product arrives at the door step. He should be in the selection committee and making that a deal stopper before you see it.

The product in order to be sellable must be in SMP/e format. I think you will find that it will be a requirement for most installations.
I have *never* met such requirement. I would call it SILLY. I mean it.

You call it silly fine but you have to live with the product and who ever comes after you. You may stay in the same company in you part of the world forever but here in the states turn over is high and I sure don't want to come into a shop that only an ex (or dead) sysprog knows where all the bodies are buried. If everything is reasonably documented ie SMPe installable then the only issue is documentation and there is no good answer to that. The vendors doc should have been screened by a knowledgeable (tech savy) person. The vendor can put out a pretty plastic covered it is nothing but eye candy. A real sysprog would pick it up and read it (or at least peruse it) and tell you in a few minutes if the product is acceptable or not. If somebody isn't doing that before the product is bought then someone is not doing their job.

Yes I know there is a(re) cheap vendor(s) out there that sells their stuff with postcards. But you get what you pay for, is my opinion.
Did you hear about CBT ?

Yep and refuse to touch anything on it.

Vast majority of CBT stuff is not SMP/E installable. Does it mean it is piece of junk ?

See above.

Radoslaw Skorupka
Lodz, Poland

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Sd Rejonowy dla m. st. Warszawy XII Wydzia Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sdowego, nr rejestru przedsibiorców KRS 0000025237
NIP: 526-021-50-88
Wedug stanu na dzie 01.01.2007 r. kapita zakadowy BRE Banku SA (w caoci opacony) wynosi 118.064.140 z. W zwizku z realizacj warunkowego podwyszenia kapitau zakadowego, na podstawie uchwa XVI WZ z dnia 21.05.2003 r., kapita zakadowy BRE Banku SA moe ulec podwyszeniu do kwoty 118.760.528 z. Akcje w podwyszonym kapitale zakadowym bd w caoci opacone.

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