The following message is a courtesy copy of an article
that has been posted to,alt.folklore.computers as well.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ian) writes:
> I think its time for us(old mainframers) to jump on the "new " age
> technologies like blogging, forums and wiki's to preserve our knowledge and
> pass it on to the next mainframe generation.

the science center

developed cp40 for a 360/40 with special modified hardware that
supported virtual memory. cp40 morphed into cp67 when 360/67 with
standard virtual memory support became available. 3 people came out from
the science center to the univ. to install it the last week in jan68. It
was "officially" announced at the spring 68 SHARE meeting in houston.

besides traditional customer dataprocessing installations ... there were
some number of commercial online timesharing services built on cp67 and
the later vm370 available on 370s

one of these services providing commercial online timesharing services
with vm370 was Tymshare. Tymshare opened a version of their online
conferencing system to SHARE as VMSHARE in aug76. Archives are here:

The science center was also responsible for the networking technology
used for majority of the internal network ... which was larger than
the internet/arpanet from just about the beginning until approx.

various old email mentioning the internal network

The same technology was used for the educational bitnet (& earn
in europe) ... was in the early 80s was approx. the same size
as arpanet/internet

One of the largest (virtual machine) online commercial timesharing
services was the internal HONE system.

initially after the 23jun69 unbundling announcement

there was concern that new system engineers had last much of their
learning avenue. prior to unbundling announcements, new system engineers
gained much of their experience in somewhat as apprentice as part of
vendor teams onsite at customer locations. after unbundling, system
engineering time at customer locations was charged for ...  and charging
for "apprentice" system engineers wasn't justified.

HONE (hands-on network experience) systems were initially setup for
branch office system engineers to gain experience using operating
systems running in (initiall cp67) virtual machines.

The science center had also ported apl\360 to cp67 for cms\apl ...  and
a lot of cms\apl tools were developed. Internally there were a large
number of sales and marketing tools developed and were also starting to
be deployed on HONE systems. Eventually this use came to dominate all
HONE activity ... and running guest operating systems in virtual
machines pretty much disappeared. Eventually customers orders couldn't
even be processed w/o first having been processed by HONE applications
... and HONE systems were replicated around the world.

>From just about the beginning, until approx. the mid-80s ... i provided
highly modified cp67 kernels ... and later vm370 kernels for numerous
internal locations ... including HONE operations. some old email
mentioning transition from cp67 to vm370

I also did some amount of early computer conferencing on the internal
network as well as working with external customers ... including
Tymshare. At one point, a procedure was established where i would obtain
monthly copies from tymshare of all the vmshare information ... which
i would make available internally ... some old email mentioning vmshare

including making copies available on hone systems ... some old
email mentioning HONE

for other topic drift ... recent post mentioning internal
computer conferencing like activity from over 25yrs ago My last post in this forum

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