I remember back when a very fundamental utility changed to SDB by default.
I believe it was IEBGENER itself. If we had HOLDDATA back then, I'm not
sure how big a deal we made of it. In any case, one major application had
an 'outage' because a particular job step had been counting on the historic
default where output blocksize was equal to input blocksize. Their master
file was required to be a certain blocksize. For years the offending
utility step copied the file without specifying blocksize. Suddenly with
SDB the output changed, and subsequent steps failed.

I once had to explain to the author of a very silly CLIST why it suddenly
failed to enter an expected (!) ERROR routine because underscore was no
longer invalid in labels. I didn't feel very guilty about that one. What a

I remember reading about a new OP code being introduced on a processor.
There was a note of caution that I found almost funny:  the new OP code
would not cause a problem for any program *unless* that program were
depending on the OP code *not* to be valid. Where's my S0C1? I need my
S0C1! After all these years in the business, I would not bet the farm on
there being no such program.

The HOLDDATA cited by Radoslaw falls short of sounding the proper alarm,
but it's not misguided. Muted and vague, but not wrong. The most innocent
of changes we implement can wreak havoc on applications we would not
otherwise have met in a dark alley.

JO.Skip Robinson
Southern California Edison Company
Electric Dragon Team Paddler
SHARE MVS Program Co-Manager
626-302-7535 Office
323-715-0595 Mobile

             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                             
             LTIBANK.COM.PL>                                            To 
             Sent by: IBM              IBM-MAIN@BAMA.UA.EDU                
             Mainframe                                                  cc 
             Discussion List                                               
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                     Subject 
             .EDU>                     "action" in UK33496                 
             04/19/2008 12:12                                              
             Please respond to                                             
               IBM Mainframe                                               
              Discussion List                                              
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                             

  (If the SYSPRINT file is being written to a data set, please
   note that a System Defined Blocksize will be allocated if no
   BLKSIZE is defined or a BLKSIZE of 0 is defined on the DD card.

My humble questions:
1. Is it really ACTION to perform ?
2. Isn't the behaviour obvious and expected ? If yes, then why to
mention it under any HOLD type ?
3. Is it funny ?

I also found ACTION which was ...documentation change (in other PTF).

Radoslaw Skorupka

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