> -----Original Message-----
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List On Behalf Of Skip Robinson
> Dang, Patrick, how did I miss the connection? Once upon a 
> time, JES2 undertook to manage a newfangled print gismo the 
> same way they always had:
> start, stop, ship data, handle glitches, the whole enchilada. 
> This newly bred puppy, the 3800, proved to be famously ill 
> mannered. It not only laid waste to the surrounding 
> landscape, it got its master in serious trouble with the 
> whole neighborhood. At a time when 'FSS' was still just a 
> euphemism for something vulgar, JES2 was desperate to impose 
> some order on the 3800 chaos.
> For one particularly troublesome set of circumstances, a 
> short term maneuver was proposed: 'throw up our programmatic 
> hands and start over'.
> The problem was how to 'start over' in the middle of some 
> very complex code? Someone noticed that there was already a 
> robust error handling routine that got control in case of 
> JES2 main task abend. This routine cleaned up the 3800 tangle 
> and returned to a known and workable restart point. Trouble 
> was, the error condition that required 'recovery' was often 
> no more than a printer return code that JES2 didn't know what 
> to do with.
> So the ingenious solution was to branch deliberately to a 
> specific literal string containing a conspicuous 'error 
> message'. The resulting S0C1 would be recognized as an 
> intentional punt (US football term), normal recovery would be 
> invoked, and life would go on.
> Unfortunately, somewhere between conception, testing, and 
> actual release--come on, did nobody see this before PTF 
> GA?--the intended literal got (re)rendered as an EBCDIC 
> string whose hex beginning fatally resembled a decimal OP 
> code. So instead of S0C1, JES2 took a S0C7, which the 
> recovery routine was not expecting. JES2 died on the spot, 
> and sysprogs all over the world scratched their heads in disbelief.
> Now that really was funny.

Who'da thunk to _start_ a string with a null character?  :-)


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