R.S. wrote:
Edward Jaffe pisze:
Due to the so-called 'Technology Dividend', 100 z800 MSU = 90 z890 MSU = 81 z9BC MSU.

100/81 = 1.234567 (amazing number!)

So, expect your MSU-based software charges to go up by just over 23% if you go back to the z800.

Bad assumption! You assumed that function cost=f(MSU) is linear. It's not. Usually it's sublinear with positive value for f(0). (Forgive me my "math English"). So, 23% MSU more could mean 10% fees more. And only for MSU-based software - mostly IBM. Many companies do charge for MIPS or just machine model (again MIPS, just to avoid "technology dividend" and other possible tricks).

True. For most IBM software, the marginal per-MSU price gets a little lower for each additional MSU you add.

My point was simply that an existing z9BC workload will require 23% more MSU wen transferred to a similarly-configured z800.

Edward E Jaffe
Phoenix Software International, Inc
5200 W Century Blvd, Suite 800
Los Angeles, CA 90045
310-338-0400 x318

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