
As Lynn Wheeler points out, TSS/360 was considered sound by many both in IBM and by at least a handful of IBM customers. I ran across many strong advocates during an assignment at IBM's Watson Research Center at Yorktown Heights, NY in the early '80s. These folks were serious enough to make it's control program design a basis for a competing version of VM/XA, known internally as VM/XB. This was my last project with IBM. I left the company before VM/XB was eventually shelved, and the issue of the competitive design may well have been settled by economic, rather than technical reasons.

Mike Myers
Mentor Services Corporation

On 11/19/2012 05:28 AM, Quasar Chunawala wrote:
*Hi Shmuel and everybody on the list -*
I would like to address any matter at
http://www.mainframes360.com/2012/11/tso-and-ispf.html which requires *
correction*. *If any of the other gentlemen, would like to give me some
feedback, criticisms, data, I welcome him with my arms wide open.*
1. Weren't SSS, MSS and MPS later known as PCP, MFT and MVT?

2. I didn't know, that they had several releases of TSS/360. I thought, IBM
scrapped it, and only released TSO as an optional feature with MVT. But, I
shall *correct that*.

3. Your lines '*I've never seen a system running TSO where there were as
many processors as there were TSO regions.*' Is that mentioned directly or
implied in my post?

4. Shmuel, the article just introduces the reader to *ISPF*, without going
into depth; the gist of it is - TSO/ISPF are used as a development
environment. So, I haven't talked about, the ability to create
user-dialogs, using DTL Tags and ISPF services.

5. SPF is the predecessor to ISPF. But Shmuel, I am trying to keep it brief
and concise.

6. The fact, that ISPF commands can be stacked, or chained has been
elaborated in another article/tutorial, on the blog.

7. I shall correct the references section.

8. It puzzles me, when you said, *Time-sharing* need not involve *
time-slicing*. Could you elaborate?



On Mon, Nov 19, 2012 at 8:43 AM, Shmuel Metz (Seymour J.) <
shmuel+...@patriot.net> wrote:

on 11/18/2012
    at 11:18 PM, Quasar Chunawala <quasar.chunawa...@gmail.com> said:

*Hi Mike and Schmuel - *
That's Shmuel!

IBM System/3S0 Operating System MVT Guide OS Release 21, GC28-6720-4,
would be more relevant to TSO; you can find it and several others on

The first thing I see is that much of the material, some incorrect,
seems to come from wikipedia. I would advise looking at original
sources as much as possible.

Time-sharing need not involve time slicing and that time slicing can
be used even without time sharing.

IBM announced SSS, MSS and MPS as options early on. Do you have any
documentation suggesting that it was not originally planned that way?

IBM issued sevaral releases of TSS/360 and even had a PRPQ for TSS/370
before they cancelled it. TSS performance was considerably better by

TSO sessions usually involve I/O and contention for resources; the
user[1] surrenders control of the CPU when he is waiting and some
other session[2], or a batch job, can use it. When contention or a
wait is resolved, the session becomes eligible to be dispatched. I've
never seen a system running TSO where there were as many processors as
there were TSO regions.

Interactive System Productivity Facility came late in the game; it
would be better to refer to Structured Programming Facility and
replacements. Also, an important part of ISPF is the ability to write
your own panel-based applications.

ISPF users quickly learn to chain options, e.g., at the main menu they
will type "3.4" ENTER rather than "3" ENTER "4" ENTER.

The references should include links and "IBM Manuals on MFT" should be
replaced by a list of relevant MVT manuals, with links.

[1] Actually, the specific task, but to a first approximation only
     one task in the session will be ready.

[2] This is handled the same way as for batch jobs.

      Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz, SysProg and JOAT
      Atid/2        <http://patriot.net/~shmuel>
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