>No, it wasn't. In the old system that usermod was there, too. See below.

You mentioned that on your new system, that IMS module was in 
ADCD.Z113.LINKLIB, right? 

We're talking about an end of task/AS resource manager module. I would have 
expected this module to be placed in LPA not LinkLib. After all, it is loaded 
for each terminating task. 

Can it be that the module was in an LPA library on your previous Z/OS V1.10 
system? Or, did you remove any library from the LPA list as part of your 
customization, and this library contains that IMS module as well? That would 
explain why ftp had not problem there: All LPA modules are considered to have 
been loaded from program controlled libraries. 

>> Can it be your root file system had permission 700, which would lock out
>> anyone except uid=0 processes.
>No way to see that as that system is gone.
>All I know is that in the 1.10 system I had to explicitly make myself 
>superuser and get a EUID of 0 
>to be able to traverse through any file system. 

Without the possibility to check anything on the old system, it is very 
difficult to prove the real cause. Anyway, I dare to say that if only a 
superuser can traverse any path in the file system, then the only meaningful 
explanation is that the root directory has the permission wrong, e.g. 700.

Assuming that the owner of the root file system is uid=0, then the owner 
permission (first digit) doesn't matter. An uid=0 process can access any file 
in the file system not matter permission is set. Assuming the group ownership 
(gid) of the root file system does not match any of the gids that you get 
through your group memberships, then the group permission (second digit) 
doesn't matter as well. You we'll need the be allowed to access the file system 
as "anyone in the world" (also called "world access"), i.e. the third digit is 
the one that matters. It must be 5 or 7, or you will be locked out.

>I had mounted a user HFS for which I had defined a mountpoint with 755. 
>Once the HFS was mounted, those permissions reverted to 700, getting me 
>logon errors for TSO (that HFS is supposed to house /u/userautomountpoints). 
>I had to chmod with the HFS mounted to make the thing accessible. 

Yes, this is how this works. I suggest you have a look at the z/OS V1.13 UNIX 
System Services Planning Guide. Chapter "5.6.4 What happens when file systems 
are mounted?" 

>That is a design change between 1.10 and 1.13.
No, not at all. This has always been so.

>In the 1.13 system I can traverse just about anything now *without* being 
>forced into superuser mode and EUID=0, possibly due to my having defined 
>UNIXPRIV/SUPERUSER.FILESYS with READ access for all groups.

You should really make sure you're z/OS UNIX is setup correctly. Again, the 
above mentioned books is worth reading. It still has some part that are, well, 
"wrong" IMHO. E.g. documentation on /etc/rc and /etc/inittab customization are 
still found in a chapter called "8.7 Customizing files for the z/OS **shell**" 
despite the fact that they have nothing to do with shells.

The UNIXPRIV class profiles are there to allow privileged functions to 
different people in a more granular way than giving them access to uid=0. For a 
sysprog, I consider it better to permit her/him to BPX.SUPERUSER in class 
FACILITY *and* to define its userid with a non-zero uid. This way, you can 
verify your installation from a user's point of view, because you normally work 
as plain normal user. You can, however switch to (e)uid=0 when needed. Either 
in ISHELL or in a UNIX shell.

I understand that an MVS guy or girl may hate UNIX but, there is no way around 
getting a thorough understanding of it. It has long become an integral part of 
z/OS. Both, the above mentioned manual, and the corresponding User's Guide can 
help. Also, there still are two IBM classes on this (OP05 and OP25, I liked to 
teach those).

Peter Hunkeler

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