I think I remember the DIRF bit. That happened when I would, for example, run a DFDSS full volume backup of a mod-3 and restore to a mod-9, and there was a warning message indicating I needed to allocate a dataset in order to force the processing that would determine the new free space on the mod-9.

Does that sound anything like reality?  It's been a while.

On 5/27/2024 12:37 PM, Seymour J Metz wrote:
Also, was the name "DOS contaminated" for the DIRF bit ever official? And when 
did IBM finally give an equate for X'80' in DS4VTOCI?

Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz
עַם יִשְׂרָאֵל חַי
נֵ֣צַח יִשְׂרָאֵ֔ל לֹ֥א יְשַׁקֵּ֖ר

From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List <IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU> on behalf of Charles 
Mills <charl...@mcn.org>
Sent: Monday, May 27, 2024 1:26 PM
Subject: Re: VTOCs vs. catalogs

I started my first professional programming job in January of 1969, working with DOS/360. 
DLBL, EXTENT and TLBL cards existed but they were new -- the "old timers" still 
used DLAB, XTENT and TLAB. So that gives you an approximate timeframe.

As @Shmeel has said, DOS definitely supported VTOCs. VTOCs were in fact 
partially portable between DOS and OS/360. What DOS lacked was OS-controlled 
free space management and support for the free space records of a VTOC. Free 
space management on volumes was controlled by a chart on the sysprog's wall and 
data set expiration dates.


On Mon, 27 May 2024 12:32:16 +0000, Seymour J Metz <sme...@gmu.edu> wrote:

DOS had VTOCs for as far back as I can remember, but when was the transition 
from DLAB and TLAB to  DLBL and TLBL?

When did IBM introduce the DIRF bit in the VTOC? It was definitely in OS/360, 
but which release?

Shmeel (Seymour J.) Metz
עַם יִשְׂרָאֵל חַי
נֵ֣צַח יִשְׂרָאֵ֔ל לֹ֥א יְשַׁקֵּ֖ר

From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List <IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU> on behalf of Steve 
Thompson <ste...@wkyr.net>
Sent: Friday, May 24, 2024 11:27 AM
Subject: Re: VTOCs vs. catalogs

If I remember correctly (since I started on DOS R26?) on a
S/360-30, we also had to use EXTENT cards (to define where a file
existed on a volume). So hazy memory recalls we had a Label
cylinder and an ALT Label cylinder. But maybe that came with
DOS/VS.... Too long ago now.

Then DOS got VTOCs and so if sharing with OS|MVS, the volume got
the "dirty" bit turned on if DOS did any work in the VTOC. (MVS
then had to RESERVE the volume and fix the VTOC to know where the
free extents were since DOS didn't have that feature).

The joys of migrating to OS/VS (MVS) and sharing of Volumes
between systems in a service Bureau.... oh, Cloud (sorry I forgot
the in-vogue term).

Steve Thompson

On 5/24/2024 6:02 AM, Lennie Bradshaw wrote:
When  sstarted on IBM System/370 the shop I was at used DOS/VS. DOS/VS at that 
time did not have VTOCs. We used //DLBL statements in JCL which specified the 
exact locations of datasets on disk. This changed with the introduction of VSAM 
on DOS/VS, but only for VSAM datasets.
Fortunately I soon moved to a company using OS/VS2 and got to use VTOCs and 
CVOLs there.

As regards, why both VTOCs and Calalogs exist, what would be the alternative?
The more pertinent question is, I think,
Why do we have both VVDS datasets and VTOCs? Historically I understand, but it 
could improve efficiency to merge these.
It would probably break too many existing interfaces though.

Lennie Dymoke-Bradshaw

-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List <IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU> On Behalf Of 
Joel C. Ewing
Sent: 24 May 2024 06:02
Subject: Re: VTOCs vs. catalogs

VTOCs did come first.   The  original DOS/360 Operating System did not have catalogs.   
VTOCs contain not only information about physical location and organization of datasets 
on the volume but also (for OS/360 and its MVS and z/OS descendants) contains a list of 
all the free extents on the volume to support automated allocation of new extents for 
datasets.   It makes sense to still keep that level of information at the volume level 
and not in some centralized "catalog", because an individual volume can be 
varied online or offline, added to or deleted from the system, and also any hardware 
failures that might affect data availability tends to affects specific  volumes, so it 
simplifies many things to keep volume-level descriptive information on the related volume.

As the total number number of DASD volumes on a system increases, having that 
VTOC-level information  distributed across all  volumes vs putting all that 
info in a centralized location improves  performance by distributing read/write 
activity for that data across all the volumes, and prevents a single point of 
failure that could cause loss of all datasets.

Without  a catalog to map data set names to volumes, it was necessary to 
manually record and maintain a record of what volume(s) contain each dataset.   
That was practical for a few volumes and a small number of datasets, but 
obviously impractical when talking about 100's of volumes and 1000's of 
datasets. OS/360 was designed to support very large systems;  Hence it included 
a catalog; but its use was optional for application datasets.   These days the 
recommended practice is that all z/OS application DASD datasets should be under 
SMS, and SMS datasets must be cataloged.

The original CVOL catalog evolved into multi-level ICF catalogs, and an 
eventual need to save additional dataset attributes  to support SMS and VSAM 
datasets resulted in an additional VVDS dataset to store that info on each 

As the capacity and maximum number of datasets on a volume increased, a serial 
search through a VTOC became a performance bottleneck, and an optional VTOCIX 
(VTOC Index) was added to each volume for more efficient access.

There is some redundancy with having  VTOCs, VVDSs, and Catalogs, but that aids 
in error detection and recovery by allowing cross-checking between VTOCs, VVDSs 
and Catalogs to look for and resolve inconsistencies.

On z/OS it is typical to use multi-level catalogs for security and availability 
reasons and to keep application and personal datasets in catalogs distinct from 
those containing system-level datasets essential to the operating system.

To reduce I/O and improve catalog performance, z/OS accesses catalogs via a 
system Catalog address space that provides additional in-memory caching for all 
open ICF catalogs.

       JC Ewing

On 5/23/24 21:32, Phil Smith I I wrote:
I'm curious whether any of you old-timers can explain why we have both
VTOCs and catalogs. I'm guessing it comes down to (a) VTOCs came first
and catalogs were added to solve some problem (what?) and/or (b) catalogs were 
added to save some I/O and/or memory, back when a bit of those mattered. But 
I'd like to understand. Anyone?

Joel C. Ewing

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