Hi Timothy,

You make many interesting points in your email. I think there are some things about IBM that you don't know, although that may not be the case.

As many of you know, I worked a little over 3 years for IBM until February this year in Dubuque, Iowa. They have a very high turnover rate there. The main reason is low pay. Most people, including myself, made about half what they made before working for IBM. This is only the employees that were hired since July of 2009, when the Dubuque center opened. They do get a lot of good people there, but because of poor pay, they are not happy, and many leave as soon as they can.

One good thing is they don't discriminate for age. I was hired at 61 years old.

One other thing I didn't like was the computer operations was usually run from India. Many of the people were very sharp, but it was very hard to understand them.

I really wonder if IBM is on a downhill slide. I can't imagine grossly underpaying so many employees and not starting to slide downhill.

Eric Bielefeld
z/OS Systems Programmer
Milwaukee, Wisconsin

----- Original Message ----- From: "Timothy Sipples" <sipp...@sg.ibm.com>
Newsgroups: bit.listserv.ibm-main
Sent: Friday, July 12, 2013 1:37 A

Subject: Re: Future of COBOL based on RDz policies was Re: RDz or RDzEnterprise developers
Heading in that direction by 1964, agreed.

I'll amend my remark to say that IBM held the leading market position in
data processing prior to the System/360. Some of that market was
electromechanical, and some was electronic. The System/360 was bound to
displace most of both segments...or destroy the company.

I'll respond to a couple interesting points Peter Farley raised: ( Deleted text)
Timothy Sipples
GMU VCT Architect Executive (Based in Singapore)
E-Mail: sipp...@sg.ibm.com
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