Maye would be interesting to know how the young people would like to be notified (Email ? Twitter ? Facebook ? ) if something happens. Old timers are sitting by the TSO and pressing the ENTER for the SDSF DA again and again.

On 16.01.2014 07:57, Brian Westerman wrote:

We are testing our SyzMail product that provides for the sending of email when a task 
(JOB STC or TSO user) ends that contains all of the normal stuff you would expect to see 
(maxCC, stepCCs, programs used, etc.) and I was thinking that it would be great to 
provide the execution time (both wall clock and CPU) that the task used and the start and 
end times and some other information that is all just right there for the picking, but it 
has started some controversy here because many (most actually) think that people could 
care less about the details and mostly just care about the condition codes.  I myself 
think that since the email is being generated and we have the information available, that 
it makes sense to send it.  My thinking is that if you can see at a "glance" 
that the job ran a particular way that you might be more likely to save time by not 
having to find the job output and view it.  In fact, I was thinking that sometimes seeing 
how much time a job used, wall and CPU, can be almost as important as the condition codes.

I agree that providing information that no one will ever want is a waste, and have 
considered providing the option for a normal and "verbose" type of email, but I 
keep thinking that once the job is done and the email is dynamically generated, it's not 
like the user can come back and say, that they have a CC=4 in step07 so they would like 
to have some additional information, it's just too late by then.

I figured that asking normal people (which some of you are), might be a 
reasonable thing to do.

Any comments or suggestions?


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