Hello: We are involved in a new proyect with the target of add three new system (monoplex) in our configuration. Our actual configuration is: one production sysplex with four lpar, one test sysplex with two lpars and next year another three systems in monoplex. Now, when we activate a new configuration, first build IOCDS, dynamic activation in the production sysplex and then execute a ipl in the test systems (the IODF device is the same). The test sysplex doesn't share GRS with the production sysplex and the test systems can't view the IODF dataset, but the test systems load the IODF in ipl time and works fine. Next year we want to share the same IODF all the systems, but in the new systems in monoplex can't do ipl because are production systems. Our question is. Which is the best way for transmit the production IODF to these new systems and then execute a dynamic activation?. HCD transmit?. FTP?. Another way?.
Jorge Garcia Juanino Gerente sistemas z/OS ACTP – DIAC – Operación y Soporte EMEA MAPFRE Avenida del Talgo 100-103 – 3ª Planta CP 28023 Madrid Tel. 91 581 27 34, Movil 464196/618333559 jgarc...@mapfre.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to lists...@listserv.ua.edu with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN