(Salah Balboul) writes:
> This is "Capitalism", making money is king. Every large corporation
> tries to sell this "Job Loyalty" to workers, however, rest assured
> this is a one sided affair. They want you to be loyal.
> Then again, think about it. When you start your employment at any
> company, the first thing you agree to is "At will employment", your
> employment with any company is a voluntary one subject to termination
> by you or company at WILL, with or without cause and with or without
> notice....etc.

June1940, Germany had a victory celebration at the NYC Waldorf-Astoria
with major industrialists. Lots of them were there to hear how to do
business with the Nazis

Later 5000 industrialists from across the US had conference at NYC
Waldof-Astoria and in part because they had gotten such bad reputation
for the depression and supporting Nazi Germany, they approved a major
propaganda campaign to equate capitalism with Christianity

Results in the 50s include adding "Under God" to the pledge of
allegiance and "In God We Trust" to currency

AMEX is in competition with KKR for private-equity take-over of RJR. KKR
wins, but runs into some trouble with RJR and hires away president of
AMEX to help turn it around.

IBM then has gone in the red and was being reorganized into the 13 "baby
blues" in preparation to breaking up the company. The board then hires
away the former president of AMEX to reverse the breakup and resurrect
the comapny ... using some of the same techniques used at RJR.

The industry had gotten such a bad reputation during the S&L crisis that
they changed the industry name to "private equity" and "junk bonds"
became "high yield bonds"

The former AMEX president then leaves IBM and becomes the head of
another large private-equity company ... one of the take-overs is the
beltway bandit that will employ Snowden, there was huge gov. outsourcing
last decade to private equity owned subsidiaries; 70% of intelligence
budget and over half the people

Both KKR and Carlyle recently show up in this (in large part harking back
to the "IBM Retirement Heist")


The Champions of the 401(k) Lament the Revolution They Started

posts mentioning private equity

trivia: we had left the IBM but get a call from somebody in the bowels
of Armonk about helping with the breakup of IBM. Business units had
MOUs with other divisions to work off their supplier contracts. With
the this units in different corporations, all these MOUs would have
cataloged and turned into real contracts. Before we get started,
the board has hired a new executive to reverse the breakup

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

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