Have you checked the profiles on the CONSOLE class?

Best Regards

Joao Bentes de Jesus

"Do the difficult things while they are easy and do the great things while 
they are small. A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single 

From:   Todd Burrell <todd_burr...@csx.com>
Date:   2017-08-16 16:52
Subject:        CONSOLE command failing - what else to check?
Sent by:        IBM Mainframe Discussion List <IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU>

I have 2 users and one can successfully execute the CONSOLE command while 
running it in a started task and in batch, but the other user cannot. From 
what I can tell they are both connected to the same RACF groups and both 
should have all of the necessary access required to run the CONSOLE 
command - but one fails with a RC 36 which indicates they are not 
authorized?  Also, there are no RACF error messages for the failing user - 
and nothing when I ran RACFICE this morning in the violation report? 

I seem to remember there is something else that might need to get changed 
in TSO?  Does anyone have anything else I can check? 

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