On Mon, Apr 30, 2018 at 1:11 PM, Steve Smith <sasd...@gmail.com> wrote:

> You are entangling non-VSAM aliases and Usercat aliases.
> Non-VSAM aliases are always created in the same catalog as the related
> name.  However, catalog look-up will use relevant catalog aliases to
> determine where the name is cataloged.
> Probably, you need to specify the proper catalog (i.e. the one that would
> be used to resolve it) on the DEFINE ALIAS.
> btw, it's not valid to put a macro library in the APF or linklist.  Nor to
> try to use a load library as a macro library.
​Hum, now wouldn't it be "interesting" if you could use a load library as a
macro library. You ask "What would it do?". Well, instead of inserting the
card images from the member, it would _run_ the member referenced (LINK)
and that program would dynamically create and "insert" the card images via
some API. In the case of a COPY, the program would be passed a parm list
which would be like that passed by the initiator with PARM='' (or no PARM).
I.e. GPR1 upon entry points to a fullword with the high order bit "on"
which points to another fullword of binary 0s. In the case of a macro
invocation, each "parameter" on the macro would be passed as separate
"string" where each "string" in the the normal PARM format (halfword
length, then characters). This would be using the standard CALL format.
GPR1 pointing to an array of pointers to "strings" with the last pointer
address having bit 0 "on".​




We all have skeletons in our closet.
Mine are so old, they have osteoporosis.

Maranatha! <><
John McKown

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