On 2019-01-29, at 09:52:18, Allan Staller wrote:

> Comments interspersed.
> HTH,
Thanks.  It would further be useful if you distinguished quoted material
with the customary ">" prefix.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List <IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU> On Behalf Of 
> Bob Bridges
> Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2019 10:07 AM
> Subject: Newbie SMP/E questions
> I'm the Top-Secret admin for a client whose system programmer retired a 
> couple years ago.  The client tapped another employee to take his place, and 
> she's learning the job with frantic haste but insists with some justification 
> that she's not a system programmer yet.  Me, I came into security through the 
> applications-development side so I'm not even close.
> Together she and I are trying to learn SMP/E.  The immediate purpose is so we 
> can apply some TSS-related PTFs, but really, it's become clear to me that we 
> need no excuses to make it a priority; SMP/E is kind of important.
> I have embarked on a serious reading of the SMP/E User's Guide, but I still 
> need help.  I'll limit myself to a handful of questions to start with:
> Question #1) We started by applying a PTF - call it A for simplicity - and 
> its prerequisite B.  We did that last August and then the project languished 
> for the sake of other priorities.  Now we're working on it again and we want 
> to restore those two PTFs and do the APPLY again.  Why?  Well, partly because 
> it was 'way back in August and we're uncertain about exactly how we did it 
> back then.  We know more now.  Partly because we know more now and we want to 
> practice it better.  I dunno, partly because we just want to.  I think maybe 
> we bypassed some HOLDs back then too.
> Anyway, we attempted the RESTORE, but we got lots and lots of error messages 
> saying we need to include other PTFs in the RESTORE.  Some of these have an 
> indirect connection to A and B; B superceded at least three of them, for 
> example, which I can see were applied some years ago.  Others have no 
> relation to our PTFs that I can discern.  I haven't yet found the place in 
> the User's Guide that explains these relationship and their relevance.  Can 
> someone give a helpful explanation?
> SMPE has 2 basic zones TARGET and DLIB (everything else just supports these 2 
> zones.). APPLY/ACCEPT processing installs maintenance into the TARGET/DLIB 
> zones respectively. Once accepted, the only fallback is dfDSS restore (if you 
> have backups).
> Restore processing returns the environment to the last ACCEPTed level. In 
> order to complete this process, all maintenance from the accepted level to 
> the current code level must be restored.
> Question #2) So far as we can tell by issuing LIST XREF commands, whoever ran 
> this thing in the past never did any ACCEPT, ever, except for the original 
> function code.  I see at least 11 PTFs that were applied (including our two), 
> but the distribution library shows no PTFs for any module I've yet LISTed.  
> If true, does that mean that to do a RESTORE of our two PTFs we'll have to 
> RESTORE everything back to the plain-vanilla base?
> It is a common practice not to accept maintenance for 3rd party products. I 
> will not say it is good or bad, but it is common. In to restore to the 
> environment "before the 2 PTFs", all non-accept PTFs must be restored and 
> then re-applied (minus the two PTFS).
> This will accomplish what is desired in #1 above.
> Question #3) My partner the not-sysprog has in mind that maybe we need to set 
> aside this CSI (which is dedicated to Top Secret) and create another one 
> starting with the base software and build up from there.  I didn't realize 
> this could be done, but she thinks she can do it.  If it'll work, I like it; 
> we'll know in that case what we have, which we do not at present.  Anyone 
> have any thoughts on this plan?
> A re-install of the product into separate zones is certainly practical. IMO, 
> less work, but also less of a learning experience
> Question #4) This is a less-important add-on:  In both the online 
> documentation and the User's Guide, I read if I'm doing a RESTORE and name 
> PTFs A and B, including the GROUP operand causes SMP/E to add whatever other 
> PTFs are required for various reasons.  It doesn't seem to, though; it names 
> them and complains about them, but doesn't add them to the list.  Have I 
> misunderstood something?  I'm loathe to believe the documentation is flat 
> wrong.
> RESTORE S(A,B) GROUPEXTEND will sometimes miss some items. Include them 
> manually. E.g .  RESTORE S(A,B,C) GROUPEXTEND will sometimes miss some items.
> If you're getting ready to send rushed messages saying "DON'T DO ANYTHING 
> UNTIL YOU'VE CHECKED...", relax; we're planning to go slow.

-- gil

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