Duane, welcome to the VM world.

Since MSU is leaving the VM production world in the near future,
we do not have current versions of any of these products. But we have
run VM:Backup VM:Tape VM:schedule and VM:Secure (a predecessor to
Top Secret).

Of these, I find that VM:Backup and VM:Secure have been EXTREMELY
useful in securing and backing up our systems. VM:Secure
uses RACF's hooks to provide excellent system security.
VM:Backup palys well with VM:Tape and VM:Secure and has served
us well for the past 2 decades as our backup mechanism.
All have very VM-friendly, intuitive interfaces.

VM:Schedule was used in developing CMS-based applications which
needed to go beyond the builtin CMS Batch capabilities. It allows
users to schedule "on the fly". Personally for systems tasks,
I just use VMUTIL, a Wakeup-based server from the CMS Utilities
Feature which should have come with your base VM system.
It does not have good interfaces for doing dynamic, command-based
scheduling (though those features CAN be added with some
programming efforts).
If you're not running CMS applications you probably really don't need
VM:Schedule IMO.

VM:Account was not used at MSU --- we had our own homegrown sys --
but it was used at former job sites of mine. If you are collecting
VM accounting records and want to bill back users for VM services it is
a decent tool. If not, you don't need it.

VM:Operator is similar to the builtin CMS Programable Operator,
but with more bells and whistles. Again if you're not a CMS-intensive
shop, you can probably suffice with PROP as we have.

VM:Spool we have not used, we have rolled our own simple Spool
management tools over the yrs. IIRC VM:SPOOL does have a nice feature
that lets priv users examine Spool Files from other virtual machines
without disturbing them (vi CP TRansfer). There were times I would
have found that handy for debugging, but not enough to justify
it at MSU.

VM:Sort is a hi-powered sort tool ala SyncSort. If you don't do it,
you don't need it.

These are my opinions only. YMMV.

>Is anyone using CA's VM:Manager VM Management Suite or any of its
>components?  Would someone, please, give me some feed back on this
>As far as I can tell, it includes the following components:
>BrightStore VM:Backup
>BrightStore VM:Backup HiDro
>BrightStore VM:Tape
>Unicenter VM:Account
>Unicenter VM:Schedule
>Unicenter VM:Sort
>Unicenter CA-Explore Performance Management for VM
>Unicenter VM:Operator for VM
>Unicenter VM:Spool
>Unicenter VM:Spool V/Seg Plus Feature
>eTrust: Director
>eTrust: Top Secret Security of VM
>CA CIS for VM
>I do know that CA's Director is their version of IBM's Directory
>Maintenance (DirMaint).
>Thanks in advance for your input.
>Best Regards,
>Duane Shields
>Delta Dental Plan of Michigan
>Systems Administrator
>Phone: (517) 347-5843  Fax: (517) 347-5366

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