Wayne Driscoll wrote:

> Alan,
> The point I think you are missing is that z/Architecture CAN TECHNICALL
Y run
> on a FLEX box, it's just that IBM REFUSES to allow FLEX z/Architecture 
> to non PWD customers, so they are forced to either purchase the smalles
> z/890 box, plus a small Shark, or dump IBM VM/VSE/z/OS etc. altogether 
> go with a new platform.  For a small shop, that doesn't have the floor
> space, environmentals, and power allotments for the above configuration
> they are left swinging in the wind by IBM.  That seems to me, (as a sys
tem Z
> bigot, AND IBM shareholder, although with only a fraction of Chuckie's
> investment in IBM), to be a very short sighted business decision.
> Wayne Driscoll
> Product Developer
> JME Software LLC
> NOTE: All opinions are strictly my own.

Wayne is totally correct in what he states. zVM 5.n, zOS and all 64 bit
flavours of zLinux will run on a FLEX-ES system but only for members of t
PWD program. Commercial customers are denied this ability. I know of at
least 5 FLEX-ES users here in Europe who need to go to zVM 5.n but cannot

due to this limitation. They are, and will, move to another platform unle
some compromise is forthcoming. If not, then IBM will not only lose reven
from the z operating system but also from other applications from IBM the
may be running (this also has a knock-on effect for their ISV products) b
also from a hardware point  as they all run on IBM hardware as both FLEX-
resellers currently provide their offering on IBM hardware (the popular
consensus among these customers it to either move to Sun hardware and
software or a mixture of Linux and MS on Dell or HP hardware.)


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