VTAM ran in VS1 and VSE long before GCS -- so I would guess that the port
was from VS1 to GCS, not from MVS to GCS. Not a big port -- or one 
requiring much knowledge of CMS.

Like many other people, we never moved our users to SFS because of lack o
OfficeVision support. By the time OV came out with support, we were 
already moving all our users to Outlook.

"Users were slow to enbrace SFS" is nonsense. The real problem was that 
IBM was slow to embrace SFS. 

Was even VM installable in SFS in 1995? I know we did it with PPF 
overrides well before IBM shipped a way to do it.

On Wed, 7 Jun 2006 21:27:45 -0400, Rich Greenberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrot

>On: Wed, Jun 07, 2006 at 03:01:27PM -0700,Schuh, Richard Wrote:
>} The current VM/VTAM was GA in 1992. We were already using SFS for many
applications and most of VM.
>Weren't the VTAM developers mainly MVS folks who were porting VTAM to
>MVSjr (aka GCS) and didn't speak SFS very fluently.  Come to think of
>it, does GCS support SFS at all?  Especially then?

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