If any of these DASD are in your CP-owned list, be sure to FORMAT the CP areas as well as defining the Labels. Especially if they are PAGE areas. Bad things have happened to us in the past trying to page to an un-formatted area.

As another poster said, please pass on your Disabled Wait PSW as that will most likely pinpoint your current woes.

Roland P. Chung wrote:
Thanks George.... I over the hump right now... I managed to get a IOCDS created 
on Sunday that gave me access to the tape, 3278's and DASDs.
Now, I am tying to load the CP. It is not cooperating yet. Nowhere to check why it went into DISABLE WAIT! Maybe because I was to lazy to type in all the command using the standalone ICKDSF. I have not initialized all the other 59 3390-3 and CP is getting upset. I am in the process of using ICKDSF to do a quick initialize putting a volume seriam number on these DASDs and try again. Wish me luck. This is a classic case of "lack of planning and totally reflected on me...." ^e^ ... Thanks again. ..Roland

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