On 19 Jun 2006 at 1:16, Roland P. Chung wrote:

> Came to the monent of truth.... IPL'ed VM.... hit the
> terminal... nothing...
> After spent hours investigating and trial many different
> address on the 3174, I only can figure out that VM can't
> get at the 3174 because in the SYSTEM CONFIG file, it says:
> Operator_Consoles      001F 0020 0021 0022 0023
>  Emergency_Message_Consoles   0020 0021 0022 0023

Isn't the VM IPL volume initialized with the SAPL?

The Stand Alone Program Loader screen should come up on 
the terminal device supplied as the IPL Loadparm value, 
regardless of the contents of the SYSTEM CONFIG.
(Since SAPL is *not* VM, it does not rely on the SYSTEM
CONFIG file, it just "boots" VM).

So.. are you using the correct value as the load parameter?

Once you have the SAPL screen, you can override the 
console values in the SYSTEM CONFIG by typing:
CONS=123 (or whatever valid address you have there)
in the "parameters" section below the horizontal line
on the screen.

Then, when you hit PF10, VM should initialize
using "123" as its IPL console.

Good luck!

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