ROland, sorry I could not get back to "the list" on Friday with our IOCP.
While it is much less populated than the other posters' examples, ours *may* help with your console problems if you have a similar config.

We have a 3174 attached to one of the MP2003 bus&tag channels. However, we've redefined the Channels to be different from the Paths via the UNITADDR parm on the CNTRLUNIT stmts.

THe bus&tag channels are at paths 40-45 on our MP2003-205, but to match a config from a previous machine, we redefined them so that our 3174 appears as Channel 00, our Tapes are on Channel 05 (and formerly Channel 15), and our now-de-installed external DASD were on Channels 0B/0F.

I'll append the IOCP source file at the end of your quote. It's worked for us since our initial migration back in 1999. Hope it helps.

Roland P. Chung wrote:
Hello All, thanks to all who responded. After hours of
struggling, I manage to set up a IOCDS which I was able to
get at the tape drives, DASDs and 3174. IPLed the
standalone ICKDSF and DDR. I was very happy to be able to
restore all 5 CP OWNED volumes.
Came to the monent of truth.... IPL'ed VM.... hit the
terminal... nothing...

After spent hours investigating and trial many different
address on the 3174, I only can figure out that VM can't
get at the 3174 because in the SYSTEM CONFIG file, it says:

Operator_Consoles      001F 0020 0021 0022 0023
 Emergency_Message_Consoles   0020 0021 0022 0023

And in MP2003 world, I think there are no channel 0 anymore
and there re no good old 01F(the integrated console) hangs
on that channel either.
I think the address (at least the UU) has been hardcoded as
40-5F on the 3174 controler.

I was very tire.... my brian can only think of a few

1) find an IBM "Productivity Centre" near Washinging, DC
(if there are such thing in US!), restore the 5 pack VM
system, IPL it and fix the SYSTEM CONFIG to include 040 -
043 (the address on that 3174); Backup the 230RES, restore
it back here and I should be in business....

2) reconfigure the 3174 to start the UU from 20 - well, the
Utility and a backup disk are there.... only thing I need
is a manual. Anyone has a LINK I can get a softcopy?
3) get a zVM DVD? How and where?

Anyone has a better idea on how to resolve this problem?

MSU's MP2003-205 IOCP:

ID MSG1='2003VM3 IOCP FOR MP2003 RUNNING MSUVM3', * MSG2='Created 04/14/99 GJH', * SYSTEM=(2003,1) *IOCP ============================================================= *IOCP IOCDS for 2003-205 running MSUVM3 *IOCP *IOCP 09/26/91 GJH: Created (from original 9221 IOCDS via export) *IOCP 09/30/91 GJH: Add Def for 7171 (300-33F) *IOCP 05/07/93 GJH: Add Def for 3480 (590-59F) *IOCP 09/09/93 GJH: Add Def for BTI (380-38F) *IOCP 12/06/94 GJH: Add Def for 9336 (D40-D5F) *IOCP 01/04/95 GJH: Remove 9332's, define 9336's on channel C *IOCP 07/18/96 GJH: Remove extraneous 9336 defs *IOCP 10/03/97 GJH: Define 3990/3390s (B40/F40) *IOCP 02/02/98 GJH: Add defs for MP2003 internal devices *IOCP 01/07/99 GJH: Add defs for Memorex Cart Tape drives *IOCP *IOCP *IOCP ============================================================= *IOCP ------------------------------------------------------------ *IOCP MP2003 Internal Devices *IOCP ------------------------------------------------------------ CHPID PATH=(5A),TYPE=ISD CHPID PATH=(5C),TYPE=OSA CHPID PATH=(5E),TYPE=ISD *IOCP ------------------------------------------------------------ *IOCP Parallel (Bus & Tag) Channels: *IOCP ------------------------------------------------------------ CHPID PATH=(40),TYPE=BL CHPID PATH=(41),TYPE=BL CHPID PATH=(42),TYPE=BL CHPID PATH=(44),TYPE=BL CHPID PATH=(45),TYPE=BL CHPID PATH=(46),TYPE=BL *IOCP ------------------------------------------------------------ *IOCP C H A N N E L 00 (CHPID 40) *IOCP ------------------------------------------------------------ *IOCP ** ---- I/O CONTROLLER - 3174 CNTLUNIT CUNUMBR=0000,PATH=(40),SHARED=Y, * UNITADD=((00,032)), * UNIT=3174 IODEVICE ADDRESS=(0000,032),CUNUMBR=(0000),UNITADD=00, * UNIT=3278 *IOCP ------------------------------------------------------------ *IOCP C H A N N E L 03 (CHPID 41) *IOCP ------------------------------------------------------------ *IOCP ** ---- I/O CONTROLLER - 7171 (part 1): CNTLUNIT CUNUMBR=0300,PATH=(41),SHARED=Y, * UNITADD=((00,032)), * UNIT=3274 *IOCP ** ---- I/O CONTROLLER - 7171 (part 2): CNTLUNIT CUNUMBR=0320,PATH=(41),SHARED=Y, * UNITADD=((20,032)), * UNIT=3274 *IOCP ** ---- I/O CONTROLLER - BTI Ethernet: CNTLUNIT CUNUMBR=0380,PATH=(41),PROTOCL=D,SHARED=N,UNIT=3705, * UNITADD=((80,8)) IODEVICE ADDRESS=(0300,032),CUNUMBR=(0300),UNITADD=00, * UNIT=3278 IODEVICE ADDRESS=(0320,032),CUNUMBR=(0320),UNITADD=20, * UNIT=3278 IODEVICE ADDRESS=(0380,8),CUNUMBR=0380,UNIT=3705 *IOCP ------------------------------------------------------------ *IOCP C H A N N E L 05 (CHPID 42) *IOCP ------------------------------------------------------------ *IOCP ** ---- I/O CONTROLLER - 3803 (Reel Tape Drives): CNTLUNIT CUNUMBR=580,UNIT=3803,UNITADD=((80,008)),PATH=(42), * PROTOCL=D,SHARED=Y *IOCP ** ---- I/O CONTROLLER - 3480 (Cartridge Tape Drives): CNTLUNIT CUNUMBR=590,UNIT=3480,UNITADD=((90,016)),PATH=(42), * PROTOCL=S,SHARED=N IODEVICE ADDRESS=(0580,002),CUNUMBR=(0580), * UNIT=3420,MODEL=8 IODEVICE ADDRESS=(0582,006),CUNUMBR=(0580), * UNIT=3420,MODEL=6 IODEVICE ADDRESS=(590,16),CUNUMBR=(590), * UNIT=3480,STADET=N *IOCP ------------------------------------------------------------ *IOCP C H A N N E L 15 (CHPID 46) *IOCP ------------------------------------------------------------ *IOCP ** ---- I/O CONTROLLER - 3480 (Memorex Cartridge Tape Drives): CNTLUNIT CUNUMBR=1560,UNIT=3480,UNITADD=((60,016)),PATH=(46), * PROTOCL=S4,SHARED=N IODEVICE ADDRESS=(1560,16),CUNUMBR=(1560), * UNIT=3480,STADET=N,TIMEOUT=Y *IOCP ------------------------------------------------------------ *IOCP C H A N N E L 06 (CHPID 5C) *IOCP ------------------------------------------------------------ *IOCP ** ---- I/O CONTROLLER - OSA Ethernet Adapter: CNTLUNIT CUNUMBR=600,UNIT=OSA,PATH=(5C) IODEVICE ADDRESS=(600,16),CUNUMBR=600,UNIT=OSA *IOCP ------------------------------------------------------------ *IOCP C H A N N E L 0B (CHPID 44) *IOCP C H A N N E L 0F (CHPID 45) *IOCP ------------------------------------------------------------ *IOCP ** ---- I/O CONTROLLER - 3880 (DASD Drives - dual paths): CNTLUNIT CUNUMBR=B40,UNIT=3990,UNITADD=((40,064)),PATH=(44), * PROTOCL=S4,SHARED=N CNTLUNIT CUNUMBR=F40,UNIT=3990,UNITADD=((40,064)),PATH=(45), * PROTOCL=S4,SHARED=N CNTLUNIT CUNUMBR=B80,UNIT=3880,UNITADD=((80,016)),PATH=(44), * PROTOCL=S,SHARED=N CNTLUNIT CUNUMBR=F80,UNIT=3880,UNITADD=((80,016)),PATH=(45), * PROTOCL=S,SHARED=N IODEVICE CUNUMBR=(B40,F40),UNIT=3390,ADDRESS=(0B40,032), * STADET=N,TIMEOUT=Y IODEVICE CUNUMBR=(B40,F40),UNIT=3390,ADDRESS=(0B60,032), * STADET=N,TIMEOUT=Y IODEVICE CUNUMBR=(B80,F80),UNIT=3380,ADDRESS=(0B80,016) *IOCP ------------------------------------------------------------ *IOCP C H A N N E L 0C (CHPID 5A,5E) *IOCP ------------------------------------------------------------ *IOCP ** ---- I/O CONTROLLER - 3990 (DASD Drives - dual paths): CNTLUNIT CUNUMBR=C00,UNIT=3990,UNITADD=((00,064)),PATH=(5A,5E) IODEVICE CUNUMBR=(C00),UNIT=3390,ADDRESS=(0C00,032) IODEVICE CUNUMBR=(C00),UNIT=3390,ADDRESS=(0C20,032)

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