Hello Alan,

        Thanks for the pointers.  

No messages on the operator console.   

The VM SA TAPE with ICKDSF and DDR ipl without problems.

This is the Q ALLOC

q alloc page                                        
            EXTENT EXTENT  TOTAL  PAGES   HIGH    % 
------ ---- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ---- 
430RES 0792    257    390  24120    767    829   3% 
430W03 075C   1802   1901  18000    240    250   1% 
                          ------ ------        ---- 
SUMMARY                    42120   1007          2% 
USABLE                     42120   1007          2% 
Ready; T=0.01/0.01 10:37:16  
        I always put a user of $page$ in my directory with the
page/direct/spool/tdisk/etc in them to help check for overlays.

        DISKMAP does not show overlaps but I will check more.

        I am sure that the complete volumes were CP FORMAT way back when
setup the system.

        I have asked the other system guy about the last test of the 
VSE SA tape.  NOT SURE when it worked last.

        I am thinking that they tested it before jumping to the z890 but
I need to verify.

        Finally,  (you will like this)  I am getting errors on the
VSE/ESA side from the EMC dasd.  EMC has indicated these are erroneous
errors coming from a smoke detector sensor in the box that have never
worked on this model of EMC.  We are migrating to new DASD.
Ed Martin 
Aultman Health Foundation
ext. 40441

> -----Original Message-----
> From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Behalf Of Alan Altmark
> Sent: Thursday, July 20, 2006 5:26 PM
> Subject: Re: HCPCLS174E using VSE SA util tape
> On Thursday, 07/20/2006 at 03:06 AST, "Edward M. Martin"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >       We have a z890.  z/VM 4.3  and VSE/ESA 2.6.1
> >
> >       We attempting to IPL from the VSE SA utility tape (under z/VM)
> > I get
> > HCP174E   Paging I/O error; IPL
> failed
> >
> > Can anyone shield some light on this problem?
> >
> >       The z/VM SA DSF/DDR tape works fine.
> Ed, when you issue the IPL command, CP places the "IPL simulator" into
> your virtual machine.  Well, before he does that he has to save the
> original memory contents of the affected pages so they can be restored
> after the IPL command has done its job.
> My guess is that your paging volumes have not been entirely CP
> yet are allocated as PAGE.  Or, if you're sharing the volume with
> minidisks, you have an overlap or have not CP formatted the entire
> minidisk.  Or the volume is going bad (unlikely).  In any case, CP's
> are failing.  There are probably error messages on the OPERATOR's
> Alan Altmark
> z/VM Development
> IBM Endicott

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