At 05:52 AM 7/27/2006, you wrote:
Tom--We use RACF, so I have to do a RACF PERMIT for TCPIP to have read access to my 191 disk in order to read an OBEYFILE file. Apparently, TCPIP will re-link and access your disk with every OBEYFILE command. If I remember correctly, one of the IBM Endicott people said, probably at SHARE, that TCPIP does not reaccess the TCPMAINT disks after it has started so that's why TCPIP couldn't find the OBEYFILE on the TCPMAINT 198 disk.


Jim, and others,

I finally got it to work, and my problem is solved. The virtual CTCA link was not functioning, even though it showed up as active in NETSTAT GATE DEV HOME. A stop/start command sequence resurrected it.

You might be interested what I found to be true of OBEYFILE (at the z/VM 4.2 level):

As Jim says above, you can't use TCPMAINT's 198 because he won't re-access it.

I had tried Maint's 191, but it required a read-only password, and the log showed that I was getting message HCPJRL145I (invalid password on link) even though I supplied the correct read password. (Thank you Dennis for the tip here.)

So I found a MAINT minidisk that had a read password of ALL (376 - I don't know what it's for, but it was empty) and it worked. The trick is to avoid having to pass a password to OBEYFILE. There's apparently some bug in the password passing routine.

And, as far as I can tell, NETSTAT OBEY isn't available to me at z/VM 4.2.

Thank you all gain for all the help.  I really appreciate it.

    - Tom

Tom Cluster
County of Sonoma
Santa Rosa, CA
(707) 565-3384 (Tuesdays and Wednesdays only)

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