
Interesting.  That little example is wrong (and it's still wrong in the 5.2.0 doc).

See the information on the SRVRFTP CONFIG file in the chapter on configuring the FTP server.  The PORT specification goes in there.

Miguel Delapaz
z/VM TCP/IP Development

The IBM z/VM Operating System <IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU> wrote on 08/02/2006 04:17:19 PM:

> So, I've set up ftpserv2, which I want to listen on port 990 of my  
> secondary stack, which is TCPIP2.  z/VM 4.4.
> In his SNAVM5 DTCPARMS file (this is on node SNAVM5, natch), I've got
> :Nick.FTPSERV2  :Type.server  :Class.ftp :Parms.port 990
> Which seems to be what I want, according to p. 41 of my TCPIP  
> Planning and Customization for z/VM 4.4.
> DTCRUN1011I Server started at 15:18:29 on 2 Aug 2006 (Wednesday)
> DTCRUN1011I Running "SRVRFTP PORT 990"
> DTCFTS0018I VM TCP/IP Server-FTP Level 440 15:18:29 EDT WEDNESDAY  
> 2006-08-02
> DTCFTS0002I Using translate table STANDARD TCPXLBIN.
> DTCFTS0310I Unable to find input file: PORT 990 *
> So clearly it's seeing the SNAVM5 DTCPARMS, but then it thinks  
> that :parms.port 990 means it's supposed to read that as a file name,  
> not just use port 990.
> What am I doing wrong?
> Adam

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