> The Pascal socket interface actually sends a "shuttingdown" signal to
> clients.  NETSTAT CP EXT is ok for that.  But who wants to write
> code? 

That's why you folks make the big bucks. Dirty deeds, done dirt cheap.

> There's no provision for it in BSD sockets.

Two implementation possibilities from the BSD socket world:

MSG_OOB. Pending shutdown or other implementation-specific operation
details are exactly what out-of-band messages are for (and in fact,
there is direct precedent in that the TOPS-20 IP stack does in fact use
OOB messages for signaling impending stack outage, as did the Xerox
Dandelion and early 4.2BSD stack. I'd have to check, but I think the 4.3
stack still did, but not certain...8-)). 

You could also return ENETDOWN or better yet, EIO on connections that
are pending shutdown. EIO is normally returned only for Unix-domain
sockets, but there's no filesystem to generate errors from here, and it
would logically map to the same function (in that there's an IUCV SEVER
waiting in the wings once the stack is dead, so there would definitely
be an I/O error in it's future...)

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