When my desktop system here was OS/2 based, I also used (and liked a lot) ALMCOPY. However, the lack of other, important applications, that were easily available for Windows, but not OS/2, forced me off of that platform awhile ago. Even IBM has stopped selling and supporting PCOMM for OS/2 now....sigh....:-(


Kris Buelens wrote:
I still daily use ALMCOPY (with OS/2 indeed. A version for Windows exist internally in IBM too, less spread however). The transfer is initiated on the PC, just like IND$FILE. It has some advantages till missing in PCOMM's file transfer interface:
- it can preserve a file's timestamp (the feature I like most)
- you can use LISTFILE's wildcards e.g.
gets all EXECs from my A-disk in emulator session A and stores them on my E: drive as "fn.EXC"
- it can transfer all files listed in a CMS PACKAGE file
- it has defaults depending of filetype/extension
   (PCOMM's GUI has that too, SEND/RECEIVE commands don't)
- only VM is recognized as host
- it does not support long names, i.e. PC files must be in 8.3 format

IBM Belgium, VM customer support

Gregg--Digging back far into my memory banks, in a previous life as an


employee, I seem to recall that ALMCOPY was an IBM Internal Use Only
program that was never made available. It was probably written by


at the Almaden research center, hence the name. I vaguely recall that


was used, kind of the way that IND$FILE is used to transfer or copy


between the host and PC but that the transfer was initiated from the


rather than from a PC screen.  It may have required OS/2 as the PC
connection, but I'm not sure of that.  I'm sure that you can find other
products that will do the same thing and are up to date and supported.

Also last week while sorting through the usual issues that surround an
almost typical end of the week here an employee asked me about a


called almcopy. I was able then to confirm that it typically worked

with the

early 3270 emulators and even with PCOM, although he wanted to know

what its

status was. Can someone also offer a comment regarding that issue?

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