Hello Larry,

        The easiest, cheapest, most reliable is to buy a 3174.  Here is
a price from a local dealer.  Heck Buy two and keep one for backup.

        Scrape them when you are done.


Ed Martin 
Aultman Health Foundation
ext. 40441

> -----Original Message-----
> From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Behalf Of Larry Israel
> Sent: Thursday, October 26, 2006 5:38 AM
> Subject: IPL Help for old 9672 with VM/ESA 2.4
> This is a request to you archaeologist.  We have a 9672-A14, running
> VM/ESA 2.4, that was originally supposed to die in 2001.  It is still
> alive, but not feeling too well.  The big problem is our 3274 (you
> right) controllers.  The 3174s are gone, but we need something when/if
> have to IPL.  We have two 3274s, neither in good shape.  IBM has
> announced that they will no longer give us a service contract on them,
> but the machine will probably have to work after that date.
> We are looking for an alternate way to IPL the system.  We have been
> unable to do so using the hardware management console.  Either we
> know how, or we are too far out of date for it to work.  We were told
> an IBM expert, that it does can not work on our system.
> It looks like we have to buy an old controller of some kind -- 2074,
> 3174, 3274, or engage in prayer that the electricity to the 3274s does
> not go down.  Even without having to power them up, we have had one
> instance of a controller stopping working.
> I would appreciate any ideas of how to proceed.
> I also have a related question.  Our SYSTEM CONFIG file contains:
>  Operator_Consoles 0320 321 9A0 9B0 SYSTEM_CONSole
>  Emergency_Message_Consoles 0320 321 9A0 9B0 SYSTEM_CONSole
> Because of the problems with controllers the operator logged on to
> not at IPL time.  When we SHUTDOWN the system we had working terminals
> 321 and 9A0, but got no message.  When we tried to IPL, the system
> to use 320, and did not switch to 321 nor to 9A0.  Was that because
> controller for 320 and 321 was active?No real problem, because I
> to console address in the load parameter screen in the HMC, and was
> to proceed, but I am interested in why it didn't work.
> As I said, a problem for archaeologists. (My real archaeologist
> daughter-in-law was unable to help.)

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