I was tinkering with POPPER and can't get it to build -- well, it builds, but 
won't run, even when built with the old text decks, or with new ones generated 
with CC.  Comparing the old & new MODULEs shows that they look similar but the 
old one (circa 1999!) is shorter, presumably due to older LE TXTLIBs.

So the question is: has anyone tinkered with it lately?  The change I was 
making (verified by using Pipes to change a copy of the existing MODULE) is to 
change the message when a client tries to login and the mailbox is already in 
use.  In such an instance, the current POPPER sends back:
 -ERR Duplicate Session for <user>.

The problem with this, for those of us who both use Outlook and POP our mail on 
multiple machines, is that Outlook takes this response to be a "password 
failed" response, and puts the password prompt back up.  Some experimentation 
with another POP server shows that it returns:
 -ERR [IN-USE] account is locked by another session or for maintenance, try 
in the same case.  While that string was too long to fit in the existing 
MODULE, the "[IN-USE]" turns out to be (apparently) the key: with that in 
there, Outlook now reports the error and continues on happily.

Any LE experts out there?

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