The DMT083E help file should be the message issued to the console.
If you ate missing the return code and error number information
than that is a code problem not an RFC.  You haven't changed the
message text have you?
I would need to see the RC and errno to understand what happened on
the RECV call.  Most likely errno=60 indicating the remote side has
closed the connection.  Do you have any indication from z/OS that
they drained the link?

Best Regards,
Les Geer
IBM z/VM and Linux Development

>We have connected our RSCS machine to a z/OS test system via TCPNJE. We
>keep getting this sequence of messages:
>22:22:40 DMTCMY700I Activating link MVSG TCPNJE line=0000 class=*
>22:22:40 DMTTNE181I Link MVSG ready for session initiation
>22:22:40 DMTTNE182I Link MVSG session established
>22:22:40 DMTNCR905I Signon of link MVSG complete, buffer size=4096
>22:45:18 DMTTNE083E Socket error on link MVSG request=Recv
>22:45:18 DMTTNE183I Link MVSG session terminated
>22:45:18 DMTMAN002I Link MVSG deactivated
>The messages above are consecutive in the console log, with no
>intervening messages that were deleted. Following this, the z/OS system
>immediately signs on again.
>HELP for message DMTTNE083E indicates that a return code gives further
>documentation. What return code? It certainly is not in the messages.
>The format of the message is different than the format shown in the HELP
>file. I know, this is a matter for an RCF. That will come later as I
>have a more immediate problem, the one of solving the riddle of what
>actually happened and stabilizing the link..
>The RSCS link was defined using a command like "DEFINE MVSG TYPE TCPNJE
>PARM HOST=" followed by a START MVSG command. Files can be
>sent back and forth across the link. The messages only seem to occur
>when there is no activity for a period that probably matches a timeout
>value; however, I see nothing in the documents about specifying or
>altering a timeout for the RSCS end of the link.
>It may be of interest that we have a TCPNJE link between two of our VM
>systems. It has no such problem, which tends to make me believe that a
>timeout interval, if there is one, must be an MVS thingy.
>How do I find out what is happening? If it is a timeout, what do I do to
>prevent it from happening?

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