PROP can react to files hitting its reader queue - you have to code the
RTABLE to react as you wish to the messages received when files are
delivered. The following is an extract from the RTABLE for one of our
PROP-enabled ids:

$PRT/FILE$FROM/             1  35  7                   YourExec
$PUN/FILE$FROM/             1  35  7                   YourExec
$RDR/FILE$FROM/             1  35  7                   YourExec

Tom Rae
Senior Director, Technical Services
Western Canada
Loblaw Companies Limited
Information Systems Division

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-----Original Message-----
From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Tom Duerbusch
Sent: April 9, 2007 12:41
Subject: Re: Programmable operator

I wasn't aware that PROP will act upon something being delivered in the
reader queue.  It likes messages, not queue elements.

The only thing I can think of, is to route the rdr queue elements to
another service machine (with wakeup rdr specified), and have it process
the reader entry and msg the prop server with the contents.  

Tom Duerbusch
THD Consulting

>>> Steve Gentry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 4/9/2007 12:12 PM
I'm trying to get a programmable operator to do something and it isn't 
working.  I've done some reading in the manual and have looked at some 
existing code but no luck.
What I want to accomplish is to send an e-mail to a userid called
([EMAIL PROTECTED])   The message gets sent to our VM SMTP
with no problem and SMTP then sends it/delivers it/routes it to
RDR   and there it sits.  In the RTABLE for PROPSCAN I have it coded
that anything come from SMTP will start an EXEC.  The EXEC will then
that RDR file and I'll take appropriate actions based on key words I'm 
looking for.
Is this doable?  If so, what have I missed?

Steve G.

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