> backup guy here again in need of assistance...
> Last night one of the rscs links froze. Q F showed one file at the top in
> sending mode with many behind in waiting status.
> Purged the sending file, stop/start the link and files were again moving.
> Now I've been told to provide an explanation.
> question 1 -  how to look at rscs log -  I think the command would be.....
> smsg rscs cp sp cons close to myid
> ....is that correct?
> question 2 - if I remember correctly rscs now uses tcpip as transport
> mechanism. If this is correct is there anything on that side I should be
> looking at?
> If there are any other hints that may be helpful I would appreciate hearing
> them.
> Thanks again.
> -James

I don't know how you deal with your RSCS consoles
on a regular basis, but when you close the file to yourself
you risk losing it from whatever usually accumulates them.

We have the V/Seg feature of VM:Spool, which includes 
two functions useful here: 1) viewing the open spool file, and
2) the CONSOLES user which accumulates daily console logs
as disk files.
This could be mimiced pretty easily with a CMS server 
accepting closed spool files and saving them in an SFS
directory for viewing by you. Then the CP SPOOL CLOSE
command would be directed to the server machine to append
the incoming file to the current log. The WAKEUP command 
running in the server machine can both schedule CLOSEs
of the console, and react to the arrival of the spool file.

Note that if RSCS is hung, then your SMSG will not help.
In such a case you might prefer SEND CP RSCS SPOOL CON... 
(Needs more than Class G, but I don't remember for sure which, 
maybe B or C).

Again, on Friday I am home and not with docs, but I 
think its possible to save the file you are purging so that 
it can be tried again after restarting the link.

Good luck,
Shimon Lebowitz                mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
VM System Programmer           mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Israel Police National HQ.     http://www.poboxes.com/shimonpgp
Jerusalem, Israel              phone: +972 2 542-9877  fax: 542-9308

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