I'm currently engaged in moving a bunch of things from VM/CMS to Linux.
Most of it is written in Rexx with a lot of Pipelines.  The Rexx part
has proved to be pretty easy -- ooRexx is mostly compatible and mostly
an improvement.  The Pipeline part is a lot tougher.  I sure wish CMS
Pipelines could be ported to Linux (and Mac OS X, for that matter;
ooRexx works there as well).  I miss Xedit, but THE is almost as good
and works pretty well with ooRexx.  THE lacks update support, which
would be a big help, but I'm sure that would be a complicated thing to
implement.  Actually, a CMS shell that ran under Linux would be pretty
neat.  There is always a Linux replacement for a VM/CMS feature, but
often it isn't nearly as nice.  A lot of times rethinking something from
the CMS way to the Linux way helps, but sometimes not.  Some things are
actually easier with Linux.  I wish IBM had done some things differently
10 years ago.

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