> > Actually, a CMS shell that ran under Linux would
> be pretty neat.
> Now there is a project for someone who wants to
> learn C#... just let
> me finish re-installing my iBook, getting Bacula to
> work, fixing the
> server that I messed up the other week, trying to
> get MS Windows to
> boot under Xen... shame the boss wouldn't sponsor me
> to do this...
> ah well...

I guess in some ways we have turned the world upside
down. When IBM "owned" the PC platform it made
products like the XT/370 and AT/370 that allowed you
to run "real" CMS, not just a CMS shell on a PC That
included REXX and XEDIT but not sure if PIPES would
have run. Then we had the P/370 and P/390 cards that
allowed you to run a whole OS on a PC.  

Now IBM is supressing Mainframe code on the PC and
getting us to run LINUX images on VM and wants us to
do our personal computing Linux on VM, and stops
licensing for any 370 the PC platform.

On the other hand what goes round comes round, and if
you think of Linux as the main OS its licensing is
"similar" to the orignal VM/370.

I know there is no commercial value in it, so it won't
happen, but wouldn't it be nice if IBM realeased a
software emulation that worked like the original
XT/370 that emulated both the Hardware and CP calls
and so would allow CMS itself to be run native on
Linux or Windows... 
.. oh and of course would license CMS for such an

In fact I think this is what Roger Bowler originally
intended for Hercules...
> --
> Rod (who heartily seconds what Mike Walter said)

Dave Wade

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