I'm currently engaged in moving a bunch of things from VM/CMS to Linux.
Most of it is written in Rexx with a lot of Pipelines.  The Rexx part
has proved to be pretty easy -- ooRexx is mostly compatible and mostly
an improvement.  The Pipeline part is a lot tougher.

Writing something that does the basics of what CMS Pipelines does
is pretty simple (been there, done that, got the t-shirt about 5 years
ago). The problem is getting it to perform and getting it to do all the
clever stuff that CMS Pipelines does. That's what messes you up.
(I keep thinking I should revisit this stuff and recode it in C# as a
learning exercise...)

Actually, a CMS shell that ran under Linux would be pretty neat.

Now there is a project for someone who wants to learn C#... just let
me finish re-installing my iBook, getting Bacula to work, fixing the
server that I messed up the other week, trying to get MS Windows to
boot under Xen... shame the boss wouldn't sponsor me to do this...
ah well...

Rod (who heartily seconds what Mike Walter said)

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