Hello Anne,

Just some things that popped into my mind.

>VMTEST 191 and looks like this:
>USER WVLNX30 WVLNX30 512M 1024M G
>VMTEST's USER DIRECT on first level:
> MDISK 163C 3390  000 10017 LX163C MR
> MDISK 165F 3390  000  3338 LX165F MR

The guest VM has a minidisk of 3338 cylinders. Shouldn't that be 3339
cylinders? A 3390-3 has 3339 cylinders. I would guess to have either 001
3338 as a minidisk or 000 3339 for a full pack disk.

Secondly, in this case you dedicate the 165F to the linux machine, so fro
cylinder 0 through 3338. Wouldn't that overwrite cylinder 0, thus replaci
the CP volume information with whatever linux would like to see? Our zLin
guests format the volume with a label something like 0x0200. Should that
label be placed on cylinder 0 the hosting VM (either host or second level

VM) we wouldn't be able to find LX165F afterwards.

And the last point, perhaps not applicable, beware of running 3rd-level
guests. They don't perform as well as second level guests. The CPU overhe
in 3rd level is very large due to the fact that SIE assist doesn't work a
that level. (Assuming you run in LPAR mode, which is the only way on
z-series today) We had an issue when we ran VSE guests on a guest VM. It
turned out the VSE had on overhead ratio 1:2 or worse because all CPU had
be emulated by the host. The VSE couldn't use SIE assist in this
configuration. SIE assist works only two levels deep, LPAR mode being one

Regards, Berry.

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