In VMTEST, I was only using DEDICATE for hipersocket devices???  not for
any volumes..
The MDISK was the only way I could think to make VMTEST see that dasd. 
I don't understand why the User_Volume_Include * doesn't allow me to see
all dasd.

After I IPL VMTEST, I did 'ATT 163C TO VMTEST' from MAINT 1st level and
that seemed  to work.  At least it exists on 2ndlevel anyway.

Thanks for the info...I'm hoping to learn a lot at SHARE!

Anne D. Crabtree
System Programmer
WV Dept of Administration - OT
304-558-5914 ext 8885
Fax 304-558-1351

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 6/22/2007 9:25 AM >>>
I see a mix in the directory entry for VMTEST:
- you seem to use DEDICATE to pass the VM volumes to VMTEST
- but use MDISK to pass the Linux volumes
You could use DEDUCATE for all of them

A lesson about devices (something I explained several times when
At the time there was not a single exception, now there are some)).

The rule:
A device can be given to 1 "person" only at a time.  "person" can be
itself or a virtual machine, never both.

   - When you give the device to CP itself, it can maybe be shared,
   depending on the device type
      - for a disk, it can then host minidisks.  Command: ATTACH xx
      - for a 3270 terminal: you can then logon/loggoff.  Command:
      ENABLE rdev
      - ...
      - To give a device to a virtual machine: ATTACH or DEDICATE is

2007/6/22, Stracka, James (GTI) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Or LINK fullpack ucb ucb M (MW or RR) on in the PROFILE EXEC of
> if you have a fullpack minidisk holder id.
> We LINK RR for 1st level volumes that VMTEST is to have READ only.
> VMTEST volumes all start VM2 (for VM 2nd Level) and LINK them MW.
> Each to his own.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Behalf Of Bill Munson
> Sent: Friday, June 22, 2007 9:03 AM
> Subject: Re: DASD second level
> Anne,
> You need to detach the volumes from SYSTEM on the 1st level VM That
> they can be attached to VMTEST to be used 2nd level.
> good luck
> Bill Munson
> IT Specialist
> VM System Programmer
> Office of Information Technology
> State of New Jersey
> (609) 984-4065
> President MVMUA
> Anne Crabtree wrote:
> > tried that...
> > seems no matter what i do, second level just says they don't
> >
> > Anne D. Crabtree
> > System Programmer
> > WV Dept of Administration - OT
> > 304-558-5914 ext 8885
> > Fax 304-558-1351
> >
> >>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 6/22/2007 8:58 AM >>>
> > Anne,
> >
> > If you put:
> >
> >   User_Volume_Include *
> >
> > in your SYSTEM CONFIG of your 2nd level system, then all the
> > volumes will be attached to system at IPL time.
> >
> > Ronald van der Laan
> >
> --------------------------------------------------------

Kris Buelens,
IBM Belgium, VM customer support

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