Actually with a hardware error like that, the z/VM messages tell most of the story (I misspoke) and z/VM is your best bet at recovery. It should handle the error condition better than Linux will (assuming you are using minidisks).

Fixing your IFCC problem is the quickest route to a cure.

Unless there's something in the newer DASD drivers, I don't know of any configurable retry mechanism. But that IFCC issue may cause you some real problems if it isn't corrected.


Rich -
Thanks for replying, In zLinux is there away to build tolerance like any setting to say try 'x' amount of times before taking the error or is that all under the covers?


Internet: Mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

"The IBM z/VM Operating System" <IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU> wrote on 10/30/2007 02:15:06 PM:

 > Andy,
 > That's probably going to depend upon what lives on 9DA1.  If it's a root
 > filesystem or (gasp) a swap disk, then it's probably fair to say Linux
 > may throw in the towel.  But the z/VM messages don't tell the whole
 > story, /var/log/messages may have more info.  But as I say, if it's the
 > root filesystem it may not be able to write the messages, then there's a
 > vicious cycle and boom!
 > I'd say check into what's causing the IFCC problems.
 > >
 > > My background is z/OS so please excuse me....
 > >
 > > Question:
> > We have recently taken many hits (paths being lost, chip,ids etc
 > > see below) for some of our DASD which z/VM sits on and Redhat, we are
 > > looking into why. Each time we take such a hit we have lost different
 > > instances of zLinux. Now I understand the concept the OS z/Vm does the
> > I/O and recovery through MIH etc. I am to assume then Redhat or SUSE any
 > > linux running under z/VM is dependant on the operating system for
 > > recovery. So it normal when taking a hit like the one below to loose a
 > > zLinux instance?

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Rich Smrcina
VM Assist, Inc.
Phone: 414-491-6001
Ans Service:  360-715-2467
rich.smrcina at

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