Alan Ackerman wrote:
1. I have never accidentally shut down a VM system. But then, I don't hav
e any userids with class A
Nor have I ... but once did something wrong on a Sysgen (one of my first) in the SP3 era that promptly corrupted the Sys directory area --- long before there were NODIRECT opts during startup. Fortunatley it was on a dedicated test sys (SFDCS2 -- fo AA's amusement). One of my mentors was able to help me recover with standalone tools.
(or class D) privileges. It always makes me cringe when I see a userid wi
th class ABCDEFG. Like walking around with a loaded gun in your pocket!
I have a CLASSA EXEC that issues:

CP command

when I really need a class A command.
My practice as well.
2. We have a mod to CP SHUTDOWN that requires the system name on the SHUT
DOWN command. Too many times an operator has shut down the wrong system.
Good one. I have always changed the class ever since OVRD became available, but never made such a mod. I *did* modify the startup prompts when the CLEAN start became avail (ESA?). To an inexperienced VMer (which most of our Ops were), it was just too tempting a name for one to try before waking up their Sysprogs. The mod consisted of removing "CLEAN" from the menu of choices, then changing the name in case one of the smart Ops happened to read a manual. If an IPL would have failed badly enough to need a CLEAN, they would have to call me, and under my guidance, they would get access to the renamed option.
Since at least the 1984 Apple Human Interface Guidelines, it's been expec
ted that you ask the user before you let him/her do something irretreivable.
Good practice. If only  more vendors would adhere to it.

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