I've been reading and testing:

   - I get WAKEUP's RC 6 too, but when calling WAKEUP again, it directly
   exist with RC 1. So, the SHUTTRAP signal triggers 2 WAKEUP events: COSN &
   SMSG.  Removing the CONS option doesn't do anything.
   - SHUTTRAP does not work like ADDRESS CMS, (so an eventual CP EXEC
   wouldn't matter)
   - Diverting the SMSG delivery method from VMCF to IUCV doesn't help
   - Using SHUTTRAP CP MSG * STOP doesn't change a thing.

When getting RC=6, test if another SMSG event is ready too:
  if rc=6 then do       /* RC 6 caused by SHUTTRAP? */
     saveRc=rc          /* If yes, WAKEUP also has  */
     'WAKEUP +0 (SMSG'  /*  an SMSG event "stacked" */
     if rc=2 then rc=saveRc
Or, use the approach I ised in RxServer: I run WAKEUP with the EXT option
and test for external interrupt 2401 (see subrtn Extrn_event:); SHUTTRAP can
be loaded with the following:
Disadavantage: when using EXT in a server that is conencted to an active
SFS, WAKEUP will get many EXT 4000 interrupts (your code can ignore them,
but the handling is extra overhead anyway).

2007/11/8, Thomas Kern <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> The SIGNAL SHUTDOWN command was issued from another authorized user. Ther
> e
> is no CP EXEC. I thought that having TERMIAL LINEND OFF might have affect
> ed
> it, but I reset it to LINEND # and it did not change the result. I will l
> ook
> inside my test copy of VMUTIL to see if I can use SHUTTRAP there and if s
> o,
> what the differences are.
> /Tom Kern
> /301-903-2211
> On Thu, 8 Nov 2007 21:56:31 +0100, Kris Buelens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> >I wouldn't know why it would become a console interrupt; my RxServers
> >support SHUTTRAP, and they work well.
> >
> >How did you send the SIGNAL SHUTDOWN command.  My guess is that you type
> d it
> >in on the console of user HOBBIT2, hence the stop with RC 6 of WAKEUP.
> >Or, you have an CP EXEC in HOBBIT2 that stacks something (the "CONS" on
> >WAKEUP means that WAKEUP should stop when something is in the stack ( I
> >wouldn't be surprized if SHUTTRAP interprets its commands as if they are
> >sent with ADDRESS CMS).
> >

Kris Buelens,
IBM Belgium, VM customer support

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