I realize that I¹ve been here before, and I remember that the solution had
nothing to do with the monitor command or anything else obvious... But I¹ve
slept since then and have come up short of the solution.

When I start the Performance Toolkit service machine, it gets this

FCXPMN446E Incomplete monitor data: SAMPLE CONFIG size too small

What is the proper way to track down a solution to this message? I increased
the sample config size from 241 to 700, and still get the same error.
Increasing it to 1000 gives two errors:

FCXPMN446E Incomplete monitor data: SAMPLE CONFIG size too small
FCXPMN446E Incomplete monitor data: DCSS  size too small

I remember that last time, the solution had nothing to do with the DCSS at
all, but I¹ve lost any notes I might have had on it. Plus, this time the
problem started with the SAMPLE CONFIG message instead of the DCSS message,
so I¹d like to get some input before I make any major changes...

   .~.    Robert P. Nix             Mayo Foundation
   /V\    RO-OE-5-55              200 First Street SW
 / ( ) \  507-284-0844           Rochester, MN 55905
^^-^^   ----- 
"In theory, theory and practice are the same, but     ³Join the story...
Ride Ural.²
 in practice, theory and practice are different."

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