What I have done for this situation is add a block comment to the 
directory entry before the MDISKs that describes what each MDISK is used 

for.  The comments are not directly associated with a MDISK, so you have 

to maintain the comments and MDISKs separately, (you kinda have to do tha
now).  The advantage of using a comment block is that the descriptions ar
all in one place and you don't have to worry about DIRMAINT, (or any othe
directory manager), messing with them.  Here is an example from one of ou
DB2/VM userids:

*                         CMS Minidisk Layout                         *
* 191     Work Disk and Profile Exec                                  *
* 193     DB2/VM Service Disk                                         *
* 195     DB2/VM Production Disk                                      *
* 200     Directory                                                   *
* 201     Log Disk 1                                                  *
* 202-203 Pool  1 - System Catalogs                                   *
* 204-205 Pool  2 - Internals                                         *
* 206     Pool  3 - QMF and DBEDIT                                    *
* 207     Pool  4 - PUBLIC.EXPLAIN                                    *
* 208-211 Pool -5 - Non-Recoverable                                   *
* 212-219 Pool  6 - Recoverable                                       *
* 220-221 Pool -5 - Non-Recoverable                                   *
* 222     Pool  3 - QMF and DBEDIT                                    *
* 223-224 Pool -5 - Non-Recoverable                                   *
* 225-226 Pool  6 - Recoverable                                       *
* 227     Log Disk 2                                                  *
* 228     Pool  3 - QMF AND DBEDIT                                    *
* 229     Pool  6 - Recoverable                                       *
* 230     Pool  6 - Recoverable                                       *
* 231-234 Pool  2 - Internals                                         *

Of course, your comments for VSE MDISKs would be a lot different!  :-)>
Just put in what makes sense to you.  Add a new comment line when you add
a new disk, delete a line when delete a disk.

Dale R. Smith

"It's just a simple matter of programming."
- Any boss who has never written a program 

On Fri, 8 Feb 2008 11:12:34 -0500, Horlick, Michael 

>Hi Kris,
>We are only concerned with our VSE guests which have hundreds of
>minidisks. Normally we just do a DIRM GET, receive the directory entry
>from our reader, XEDIT the file and add a minidisk or more (or delete
>some) and insert comments here and there. We then do a DIRM REPLACE. 
>All we want is to have DIRMAINT leave the entry that we XEDITed (and
>made pretty) alone. No changes so that next time we get it we see it the

>way we originally XEDITed it.
>Is that possible and making can you explain what DIRMAINT does on a
>REPLACE that causes this shuffling?

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