> Let me apologize in advance for asking so many questions
> related to VM software licensing. I don't get a clear picture
> sometimes of what is a non-chargeable feature and what is. I'm
> preparing to install the non-chargeable DFSMS/VM feature.
> However, the install instructions list ISPF and the C runtime
> library of LE as co requisites. Does anyone know if these two
> components are already installed as part of the base z/VM or
> are chargeable features that need to be ordered separately? I'm
> running z/VM 5.3.


LE (and thus the C runtime) is an integral component of z/VM so
you don't need to install anything else.

ISPF is required ONLY if you want to use the storage management
panels in DFSMS/VM. If you are installing DFSMS/VM for RMM or you
are fine using the commands for storage management, you don't
need ISPF.


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