If it's the complete package, where is the FORTRAN support?  :-)>
z/OS LE supports FORTRAN, why doesn't z/VM?  We were not fully able to 

implement LE on our system because we had CMS apps that were a mixture of
FORTRAN and PL/I.  Those apps could not run with LE because of this stupi
restriction.  It should be as simple as adding the FORTRAN support from 

z/OS to z/VM.  Don't tell me it can't be done, because I know somebody 

that did exactly that and it worked!

Dale R. Smith
(As you can tell, it's a pet peeve of mine!  :-)> )

On Tue, 19 Feb 2008 10:37:56 -0500, Michael Donovan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 


>David Boyes wrote
>      "and there is an embedded cut-down LE preinstalled
>       that will probably suffice for your use."
>The LE supplied with z/VM is the complete LE package.  It contains the
>run-time libraries for C/C++, COBOL, and PL/I.   There is no other versi
>of LE available or needed for z/VM.   This is the prereq that satisifies

>DFSMS requirement.
>Mike Donovan

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