
>Recollection is fuzzy, but I believe you can have CGIs and SFS hierarchy

>handled by the same HTTPD v-machine, you just cannot have CGIs living in
>SFS-defined-only kind of space.  For CGIs to be executed instead of serv
>out (like plain files), they must reside on an ACCESSed disk or in an
>ACCESSed SFS directory and be listed in a hand-crafted FILELIST.

So the key here is the accessed directory. In both cases the server is SF
only. The first try had all files dumped into the root and accessed it as
A. The second uses the full directorystructure and indeed doesnot access 

the htbin directory unless it needs to.

Perhaps if I access the htbin directory before starting the server. Ah, I
guess I'll be playing a lot today. :-)

>If you can think of a way around this, you should code it and contribute

>it.   :-)

Kris did have a way around it without any change in coding. The fact that
the CGI is called in a slightly different way doesn't matter too much. 

Just update the links and run it. Perhaps it would be nice to have the 

server react the same in either case and for that to happen I'd need to 

dive into the coding. If only I had 30 hours in a single day...

Thanks for your comments and for your great webshare coding. 

Regards, Berry.

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