
Ah, that's it. For the CGI to process from an accessed disk you can 
request the page http://xxxxxx/somedirectory/somecgiFN. But when in SFS 

you need the path as you mention it. It looks like this could be working.
But i'll have to look into it some more. Running CMSHELP would get me the
CMS HELP MENU in the single directory install but it produces an error on
the SFS installed server.

CMSHELP: TASK HELP                   
FPLDSR146E File "HELP HELPTASK *" does not exist         
FPLMSG002I ... Processing "ADDPIPE < HELP HELPTASK * | *.INPUT:"
FPLMSG003I ... Issued from stage 2 of pipeline 1         
FPLMSG001I ... Running "REXX CGI#TEMP"            

CMSHELP?CP does give me the help page on the CP command. So in any case, 

error or no error, the CGI gets to be processed.

Anyway, like Richard mentioned, i'll have some coding to do I guess.

Thanks, Berry.

On Tue, 19 Feb 2008 18:51:10 +0100, Kris Buelens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>The path for a CGI is then   http://xxxxxxxx/someSFSdir/fname/cgiFN
>The  "someSFSdir" is "xxxx.WEBSHARE.someSFSdir"
>The "fname" points to "fname FILELIST" in that SFS dir; and cgiFN is
>listed in it.

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